June 29, 2018

Friday, June 29, 2018 - All New Apple Maps

Xiaomi’s IPO disappoints, Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up, the state of the ICO market, the weekend long reads suggestions, and the NES is back, baby! Stories from: @panzer, @tomwarren Tweets: @elonmusk Links:Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up (TechCrunch)Microsoft details secret ‘pocketable’ Surface device in leaked email (The Verge)Digital currency sales hit $13.7 billion in first five months of 2018: report (Reuters)The NES Classic is back: here’s where you can pick one up (The Verge) Weekend Longreads Suggestions:I Delivered Packages for Amazon and It Was a Nightmare (The Atlantic)HOW THE STARTUP MENTALITY FAILED KIDS IN SAN FRANCISCO (Wired)Despite Caution Over Cryptocurrency, Investors Are Bullish (NYTimes)The Biggest Digital Heist in History Isn’t Over Yet (Bloomberg)

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