July 22, 2019

Mon. 7/22 - Just the Equifax, Ma'am

Equifax agrees to a settlement over its massive 2017 data breach, Microsoft invests a billion dollars in an generalized AI startup, Huawei is linked to North Korea’s cellular network buildout, Google settles multiple lawsuits, including a decade-old one about Wi-Fi snooping, Apple’s sequel to Tim Cook becomes apparent, and senseless violins. Sponsors Cloudbaker Pixel Union Links: CFPB, FTC and States Announce Settlement with Equifax Over 2017 Data Breach (CFPB) Proving you deserve $20,000 from the Equifax settlement will be nearly impossible (CNBC) With $1 Billion From Microsoft, an A.I. Lab Wants to Mimic the Brain (New York Times) Microsoft invests in and partners with OpenAI to support us building beneficial AGI (OpenAI press release) Leaked documents reveal Huawei’s secret operations to build North Korea’s wireless network (Washington Post) Google Finds Cheap Way Out of Multibillion-Dollar ‘Wi-Spy’ Suit (Bloomberg) How Google Extracted Itself From Three More Lawsuits—Data Sheet (Fortune) Apple’s Heir Apparent Is Much More Like Tim Cook Than Steve Jobs (Bloomberg) Etsy acquires musical instrument marketplace Reverb for $275 million (VentureBeat)

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