Feb. 7, 2019

Thu. 02/07 - Facebook Dinged In Germany; Killin' It In China

Germany is this week’s headache for Facebook, Twitter mixes up its MAU and DAU game, Cluno is subscriptions but for cars and Optimus Ride is what we mean by starting small with autonomous vehicles. Sponsors: Metalab.co DataDogHQ.com/ridehome Links: Facebook ordered by Germany to gather and mix less data (BBC) How Facebook’s Tiny China Sales Floor Helps Generate Big Ad Money (NYTimes) Twitter Q4 Earnings (TechCrunch) Skype Can Now Blur Your Background So You Don't Have to Frantically Tidy Your Room (Gizmodo) Car subscription service Cluno scores $28M in Series B funding (TechCrunch) Another self-driving car startup is starting small, and that’s a good thing (The Verge) Original WWII German message decrypts to go on display at National Museum of Computing (The Register)

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