April 29, 2021

Thu. 04/29 – What If This Is A Tech Inflection Point?

Another earnings round up leads me to ask, what if the Covid era really is a historical inflection point for tech? AT&T has decided what to charge for HBO with ads, while Verizon is try to get someone to take AOL and Yahoo of their hands. What if we did streaming gaming, but just for browsing the web? Say hello to Mighty. And odds are, you’ve probably never gotten millimeter wave 5G on you fancy new phone.

Another earnings round up leads me to ask, what if the Covid era really is a historical inflection point for tech? AT&T has decided what to charge for HBO with ads, while Verizon is try to get someone to take AOL and Yahoo of their hands. What if we did streaming gaming, but just for browsing the web? Say hello to Mighty. And odds are, you’ve probably never gotten millimeter wave 5G on you fancy new phone.



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