Oct. 4, 2018

Thu. 10/04 - Biggest Hardware Hack Ever?

Did China pull off a hardware hack to end all hardware hacks, is a new Nintendo Switch coming as soon as next summer, the ThinQ has five cameras on one phone, and Movie Pass? Still alive! Links: The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies (Bloomberg Businessweek) Russia cyber-plots: US, UK and Netherlands allege hacking (BBC News) Nintendo Plans New Version of Switch Next Year (WSJ) LG V40 THINQ REVIEW: ONE PHONE, FIVE CAMERAS (The Verge) Verizon’s Severance Offer Goes to About 44,000 Employees (WSJ) Barnes & Noble names board committee to review possible sale, shares soar (CNBC) MoviePass' new funding means it isn't going anywhere just yet (Engadget)

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