Oct. 25, 2018

Thur. 10/25 - The Andy Rubin Scandal

How Google paid Andy Rubin on his way out the door despite allegations of sexual misconduct, Uber Eats and the rise of virtual restaurants, Kickstarter sunsets its Drip service but plans a nice replacement, and older people are worse than younger people at telling fact from opinion. Links: How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’ (New York Times) Uber’s Secret Restaurant Empire (Bloomberg) A New Approach to Our Work on Drip (Kickstarter Blog) Kickstarter to End Drip, Fund New Platform with XOXO Festival Creators (The Verge) The Team Behind XOXO is Taking Over Kickstarter’s Drip Crowdfunding Community (TechCrunch) Older People Are Worse Than Young People at Telling Fact from Opinion (The Atlantic) Younger Americans Are Better than Older Americans at Telling Factual News Statements from Opinions (Pew Research Center) VIDEO: Joseph Saelee vs. Jonas Neubeauer in CTWC 2018 Finals (Twitter)

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