April 19, 2018

Thursday, Apr. 19, 2018 - Bezos' Shareholder Letter

Amazon Prime tops 100 million subscribers, clarifying Facebook’s GDPR compliance, Netflix has mobile previews, what metrics show that is Reddit bigger than Facebook, and will you soon be able to letter in eSports? Stories from: @David_Ingram, @aatilley Links:Amazon CEO Shareholder Letter (SEC)Exclusive: Facebook to put 1.5 billion users out of reach of new EU privacy law (Reuters)Facebook Is Forming a Team to Design Its Own Chips (Bloomberg)Intel Plans to Shut Down Smart Glasses Group (The Information)PlayVS wants every high school to have an esports team (TechCrunch) Credits: Produced by @brianmcc and the @techmeme staff Music by @jpschwinghamer

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