June 28, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - Amazon Kneecaps Walgreens

Amazon makes a ton of news including buying into pharmaceutical commerce and creating its own mini-package delivery army, Apple considers one subscription to rule them all, and the long Apple/Samsung war is over. Stories from: @angelicalavito, @jacknicas Tweets: @eugenegu Links:Amazon shakes up drugstore business with deal to buy online pharmacy PillPack (CNBC)Amazon’s new blue crew: Tech giant enlists entrepreneurs to own the ‘last mile,’ delivering packages in Prime vans and uniforms (GeekWire)Apple Eyes Streaming Bundle for TV, Music and News (The Information)Apple and Samsung End Smartphone Patent Wars (NYTimes)Bird CEO Explains Why His Scooter Startup Needed $300 Million (Bloomberg)AT&T more than doubles ‘admin fee’ for every wireless customer (The Verge)Colossal 128TB SD cards could soon be on the way (TNW)

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