Feb. 5, 2019

Tue. 02/05 - Facebook Turns Fifteen

It’s getting more expensive for Google to make money, Facebook turns fifteen, choosing your own adventure is becoming a trend, and one specific way Fortnite is measurably bigger than the Super Bowl.  Sponsors: Metalab.co DataDogHQ.com/ridehome Eero.com/ride and code: ride at checkout Links: Being Google is getting very expensive (QZ) Zuckerberg's Facebook Post Facebook Makes First Blockchain Acquisition With Chainspace: Sources (Cheddar) Boring Game Plus New Orleans Rebellion Leads to Ratings Drop (NYTimes) 'Fortnite' Had 10 Million Concurrent Players In The Marshmello Concert Event (Forbes) iPhone XR Review (AnAndTech) Amazon Alexa Now Lets You Choose Your Own Adventure (Geek.com)

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