Feb. 12, 2019

Tue. 02/12 - Amazon Buys Eero

Amazon acquires Eero, Apple is putting marketing muscle behind AR, looks like everyone was abusing Apple’s Enterprise Certificate program, and the new video game sensation giving Fortnite a run for its money. Sponsors: DataDogHQ.com/ridehome Tiny.website Links: Why Amazon buying Eero feels so disappointing (The Verge) Your Smart Light Can Tell Amazon and Google When You Go to Bed (Bloomberg) Apple Taps iPhone Executive to Be First Head of Marketing for AR (Bloomberg) Apple fails to block porn & gambling “Enterprise” apps (TechCrunch) More than 26 million people have taken an at-home ancestry test (MIT Technology Review) Apex Legends Quickly Surpasses Fortnite (Thurrott.com)

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